Gnarly Hydrate Electrolyte Powder
Electrolytes are pivotal to athletic performance. Electrolytes, like sodium and magnesium, are critical for proper hydration, nerve function, muscle function and body pH.
Pssst. New packaging won’t have scoops or B vitamins. But our old packaging with the original formulation might be around for 5 months so keep an eye out if you're sensitive to B vitamins.
Loaded with electrolytes to fuel tough workouts, serious races and big days out in the hills, Gnarly HYDRATE is low in sugar, big on taste, and formulated to keep you charging toward your best.
In order to stay hydrated, you need to keep drinking. In order to keep you drinking, we’ve made Gnarly Hydrate light, refreshing, and downright delicious.
How to Use: Mix one level scoop of Gnarly Hydrate into 12-16 oz of water or mix the entire bag in a 5 gallon jug and serve it to the masses. Use whenever you sweat or throughout the day to stay hydrated.
More Information
- Formulated to optimally replace the fluid and electrolytes you lose when you sweat
- Just enough sugar to hydrate you effectively without causing gut rot.
- Light, refreshing and just plain delicious.
- Safe for athletes of all ages.
- All flavors are NSF Content Certified and Orange Pineapple is also NSF for Sport Certified.
- NSF Content Certified Products go through a toxicology review, label claim testing and contaminant testing for heavy metals, microbes and pesticides.
- NSF for Sport Certified Products must pass NSF Content Certification and are additionally tested for over 270 substances that are banned by professional sports leagues as well as national and international doping oversight organizations.
Gnarly Hydrate Benefits
Electrolytes That Work - Electrolytes are pivotal to athletic performance. Electrolytes, like sodium and magnesium, are critical for proper hydration, nerve function, muscle function and body pH.
A Little Sugar Goes A Long Way - Too much sugar can interfere, actually sabotage hydration. However, too little sugar can also interfere with electrolyte transport. Gnarly Hydrate has just enough sugar to effectively deliver electrolytes without causing gut rot.
Deliviousness You Won't Expect - In order to stay hydrated, you need to keep drinking. In order to keep you drinking, we’ve made Gnarly Hydrate light, refreshing, and downright delicious.
Are Gnarly hydration products safe for children? - Yes! Gnarly Hydrate is a great option for active kids because it’s low in sugar, free of artificial colors and flavors and it tastes great!
Can I drink just water? - Taking in the right amount of water will get you halfway to properly hydrating, but if that is all you do, then your performance will suffer and you could seriously injure yourself. The other half of the equation involves replenishing the electrolytes lost in sweat. Although sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are all lost in sweat, sodium is, by far, lost in the greatest concentrations, with losses ranging from 200-700mg per 16 oz of sweat. By choosing a hydration beverage that contains electrolytes at effective levels, you ensure you’re giving your body both the water and electrolytes it needs to perform optimally while preventing cramping and dehydration.
Does Gnarly hydrate contain wheat/gluten/soy/dairy/nuts? - Gnarly Hydrate is free of wheat, gluten, soy, dairy and nuts.
How much Gnarly hydrate should I be drinking? The amount of Gnarly Hydrate you should consume is dependent on the duration, intensity and type of activity you are doing and is largely determined by how much you sweat. You can determine approximately how much you sweat by doing a hydration test. On average, aim to drink 16-20 oz of Gnarly Hydrate/hour when training hard.
What is the shelf life of Gnarly hydrate? Mine is clumping. - The shelf life of Gnarly Hydrate is 2 years.
Why does Gnarly hydrate have sugar as an ingredient? - Gnarly Hydrate includes sugar for two primary reasons 1) Sugar, along with sodium, helps facilitate the transport of water into the body, and 2) Sugar is also an important fuel for muscles during exercise. Gnarly Hydrate doesn’t include enough sugar to be your primary fuel (so make sure you are consuming calories from another source), but it does contain enough sugar to effectively hydrate your body.
Where's the scoop? - We are phasing out our scoops, beginning with Hydrate in May 2024(Orange Pineapple to follow in June/July). The remainder of our products will be scoopless by 2025. If you get a scoop, hang on to it. Losing the scoops will save an estimated 28,000lbs (that’s a freight ship with Rocky Balboa as the Captain) of plastic per year. It’s a no brainer for our beloved Earth. Now don’t just start pouring powder into your drinks willy-nilly. Have a regular spoon laying around? Good. Here’s the kitchen equivalent: 1 scoop with 12-16 oz of liquid, or 2 tsp. (10 grams) with 12-16 oz of liquid. 2 sccops with 24-32 oz of liquid, or 4 tsp. (20 grams) with 24-32 oz of liquid.