Hivamat Deep Oscillation Therapy System
The authentic Hivamat patented technology from Physiomed. Also known as Deep Oscillation Therapy, Hivamat helps athletes worldwide recover faster. It relieves pain, relaxes muscles, clears interstitial areas, and works on the lymphatic system to facilitate healing from all types of muscular micro-trauma injuries using targeted protocols. The only FDA approved deep oscillation and backed by more than thirty years of clinical research and application.
How Hivamat Deep Oscillation works - Deep Oscillation is a unique, patented, non-invasive, non-traumatic, athermal, and evidence-based therapy method. It creates vibratory oscillations in the soft tissue using electrostatic attraction and friction. The electrostatic compressive force attracts and drops tissue up to 250x per second, penetrating up to 8 cm. It’s the only modality Treatment that breaks Up edema, fibrosis, and other cell debris, opens the lymphatic ducts and drains interstitial tissue through the Lymph System. Hivamat is a unique treatment option for early trauma, acute traumatic pain, post-exercise recovery, wounds, and hematoma and edema reduction. Plus, it’s gentle enough to be used pre and post-surgery, even with implants.
- One-Channel – Personal Unit • Two Channel – Evident Unit
- Frequency Range: 5 - 250 Hz • Programmable and customized treatment protocols
- Anatomical visuals – Personal Unit • Anatomical animations – Evident Unit • Multicolor display – Personal Unit • 8” Multicolor display – Evident Unit • One-button operation
- Simple to use interface
- Lithium-ion rechargeable battery – Personal • One therapy card includes multiple protocols • Swivel mount – Evident Unit
- 100-patient database – Evident Unit • Cross-Link function transfers protocols from Evident to Personal
- 3-year warranty
- FDA Approved
- 30+ years of clinical research & application • Includes all accessories and self-care kit
- Applicator handhold (1)
- Charging device (1)
- Connection cable Deep Oscillation (2)
- Connection cable grey for adhesive electrodes (1)
- Operating instructions (1)
- Oscillator head Ø 5 cm (2)
- Oscillator head Ø 9.5 cm (2)
- Therapy card (1), Titanium neutral element (1)
- Transportation bag (1)
- Box of vinyl gloves (1)
- Sample self-adhesive 3.2 cm snap electrode (1 pk. of 4).
- Applicator Handhold (1)
- Connection cable Deep Oscillation (1)
- Connection cable grey for adhesive electrodes (1)
- Mains cable-US Hospital grade (1)
- Operating instructions (1)
- Oscillator head Ø 5 cm (2)
- Oscillator head Ø 9.5 cm (2)
- Patient lead (2)
- Powder (1)
- Therapy card (1)
- Blank Programmable Therapy Cards (3)
- Titanium neutral element (1)
- Box of vinyl gloves (1)
- Sample self-adhesive 3.2 cm snap electrode (1 pk. of 4).